
Our team members are based at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology in the University of Valencia (Spain) and the School of Earth Sciences in the University of Bristol (UK).

Humberto G. Ferrón

Group leader

My research programme focuses on the joint application of an array of state-of-the-art techniques in palaeobiology to elucidate the scenarios in which some of the major evolutionary transitions of animals took place.

I have particular interest in the emergence of vertebrates, the evolution of gigantism and endothermy, the establishment of coevolutionary relationships between flowering plants and modern pollinators, the colonization of land by animals, and the nature of organismal evolution (contingency vs determinism), among other topics. Currently, I hold a Ramon y Cajal fellowship in the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology in the University of Valencia (Spain).

Elsa Leflaëc

PhD student

Testing competing hypotheses about the agnathan-gnathostome Devonian turnover using biomechanical and phylogenetic comparative methods.

Jose Luis Herráiz

PhD student

Working on Cenozoic shark faunas of the Mediterranean basin and their diversity patterns linked to key geological events.

Águeda Sobrino Martínez

MSci student

Evaluating Riedl’s Burden hypothesis through anatomical network analysis in turtles.

Zak Lewis

MSci student

Investigating the macroevolutionary dynamics and trade-offs of tetrapodomorph hydrodynamics during the vertebrate transition from water to land.

Miguel Silva

MSci student

Investigating the diversity, extinction, and origination dynamics of mammals during the Miocene Climatic Optimum and their environmental correlates.

Elena Espín Ferrando

MSci student

Investigating the aerodynamic role of lepidopteran wing scale ridges using computational fluid dynamics and adaptive landscapes.

Jose Vicente Navarro Feliu

MSci student

Exploring the interplay between specialization and taxon longevity in Paleozoic agnathans using simulation techniques.

Past PhD Students

Madleen Grohganz

PhD student

(2024) The evolutionary origin of teeth

Past MSci Students

Vicente Sanchez

MSci student

(2023) Functional aspects of the headshield processes in Ostracoderms

Francisco Javier Martínez

MSci student

(2024) Implicaciones paleobiológicas del primer estilóforo (Echinodermata) del Furongiense (Cámbrico) ibérico

James Lancaster

MSci student

(2024) Computational fluid dynamics of theropod dinosaurs


Antonio Ballell (University of Bristol, UK)

Borja Figueirido (University of Málaga, Spain)

Catalina Pimiento (University of Swansea, UK)

Christian Klug (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

Emily Rayfield (University of Bristol, UK)

Imran A. Rahman (Natural History Museum of London, UK)

Jack Cooper (University of Swansea, UK)

Juan Cantalapiedra (University of Alcalá, Spain)

Martin Rücklin (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands)

Michael Benton (University of Bristol, UK)

Phillip C. J. Donoghue (University of Bristol, UK)

Robert Sansom (University of Manchester, UK)

Samuel Zamora (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Spain)

Susan Turner (Queensland Museum, Australia)

Zerina Johanson (Natural History Museum of London, UK)

Zhikun Gai (Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, China)

